Can you get bored of your face?
Well here I am. I’ve been sick and not feeling too great.
I went to the Dr. on Monday and got some antibiotics but I am still feeling
bad. This is all coming from a hypochondriac that finally is actually ill. They
want me to come in next week for more tests but something tells me I am going
to see someone before that because I am still feeling like shit.
I managed to miss only one day of work. I have been
sitting at my desk feeling like a zombie because the doc told me to cut out caffeine
and that is when I realized I am really bored of my face. I also got a new
phone that I can selfie myself with and yeah.. bored.
Last week was a toll. It was full of good things but near
the end of it I was dragging my ass. I just can’t hang with the kids anymore.
Sunday night I didn’t make it very long into Avant before going home. I noticed
a few days into last week I was feeling especially emotional which happens when
I am getting ill most of the time. When Kevin, my friend was staying over for a
few days I think I managed to cry about 3 times while we were talking. Just
exhausted I guess. The Dr says I have an infection but I think it’s more
advance than we realize as I am kinda still in physical pain. All the
weight loss isn’t helping me right now and in fact I managed to have a good
cheat weekend while Kev was here. I don’t regret it because I was as mindful as
could be about the whole thing. I had pizza, and breakfast taco and probably
too many beers.. but it felt good.
Last week there was an article written about me and that
has probably introduced a lot of people to the crazy that is my blog. I am not
even sure why I tied myself to it. It is a better thing to remain somewhat anonymous
when things like this arise, but as always I just held up my hand like
Horshack. So what will come of all of this?

This is the time of year I hate the most. It isn’t
anything to do with the season, it’s more about the memories tied up in this
time of year. My mom’s passing, my dead cat’s bday, getting fired from my last
job, all happened this time of year. When I should be preparing for decorations
for Halloween and fall I am kinda just stuck in a rut. Now I’m sick and worried
about my guts rotting out. It’s just a laugh riot around here.
But! I do have some exciting news. My good pal Susan is
helping me put together a Halloween costume. I am really excited to have some
help to do this, as I always have such great ideas but no follow thru. Mainly because
it is really hard to create the stuff I have in my mind in such a short amount
of time and I am usually putting things off too long. Not this time. There is a
cash prize at work at stake! Also, I really want to have a good costume this
year. I lost this weight and I want to enjoy the process that usually made me
want to cry every year. We are getting
together this weekend to try things out. I am really excited and hope I feel
better by then.
Also, the band rehearsals are going really well. We now
have a guitar and percussion added to the mix, This is a separate project than
YLS and we are trying to get a name together. It looks like we will be
performing in October and maybe even November if we can keep up the colab work.
I also have another project with Tamitha Curiel that hasn’t even begun yet. I
hope we can make something happen soon if we can both get some time. I am also
working on a performance for Halloween night for Bouchercon that will be hosted
in Dallas this year. Next week is Mad Swirl and I will be performing a revised
edition of my Blue Note poem. So yeah, busy. Now if only I could stop feeling
like poop.
So who is still reading this?
I know I have secret trolls and followers. I can only
hope you are one of them.
If you are reading this now then know
I’m smiling.
I promise to tell you all about Stereolab tomorrow. About
how sweet Leticia is and how nice it is to meet fans of the same kind of music
you love. And I should tell you how good Morrissey was and how he even got a
good concert review from the Dallas Morning News which is nuts because they
have always hated him. I promise to tell you how it feels to be playing with
other people and how we celebrated Kevin’s bday with music and wine and fun and
how much I missed him and didn’t realize it until we were up all night talking
and laughing together. I promise to tell
you about how annoying my cats are but I felt bad because Moni lost her cat and
she is really sad and I know I am just going to lose my mind when one of mine
dies because that’s what they do and it’s really a shame.
Of how I felt when the Dr couldn’t tell me what was
really wrong without getting more tests run,
About how I wanted to ask Kevin to make sure and take
care of C if something or when something happens to me. You know, to make sure
he is ok..’s going to happen some day. About how I don’t want to think about things
if they go the other way around. About how I have been looking into life
insurance because I don’t want to leave a mess when I leave everyone behind.
I get so emotional when my body reminds me that I am not
immortal. I just wish I could start feeling better now, but I know I shouldn’t
Come to think of it, it’s not such a bad face after all.