Friday, July 26, 2019

Boring, baby

They said you are boring, baby
But that’s alright with me

I just want my phone to ring.
My text message to ding.
And whispers to sing
About love
And naughty things

I’m writing a song.. my first one. that’s the beginning..

(I miss love letters. I miss letters, period. I guess you have to write em to get em tho. )

1.5 pounds down since the first whoosh of keto eating. It’s been good and I feel 100% better. Eating more plant and protein combos and almost no sugar now for the first time in my life. Even during gestational diabetes I had a few sweets to get me by but since July 2 I have been almost  sugar free.
My alcohol consumption is down, but I found White Claws and other spiked seltzers and I like the way it doesn’t bloat a sister up.

So I had this crazy dream a few weeks ago that really hasn’t left me. I used to have this reoccurring dream about looking up at the night sky and watching catastrophic things happen right before my eyes. It could be a bomb, a plane crash and sometimes weird celestial implosions or space craft flying toward us with some feeling of dread and foreboding.. always knowing in my mind that this is some kind of sign.. like something big is about to happen. I usually chalk it up to watching too much news or eating too late at night. But this last one was so vivid.

I dreamed C and I were in an open field in the night time, holding hands. The grass was tall and swaying in the breeze very nice and tranquil. I know in my mind that it isn’t going to be good tho, because it’s night time and we are close to the sky. I look up and I see the Imperial Star Destroyer from Star Wars in the sky so close I can see the details of the grey ship.. it is incredible and huge and floating silently above us.. then out of nowhere comes an old 747 that is oddly more penis shaped than anything else. I mean, no imagination there, right? Well the plane is coming, all lit up.. and get this it has red, white and blue stripes along the side of it in a decorative V shaped across the side to the end tail.. the plane goes straight for the starship.. and grazes the edge of the ship. Still silent, the ship begins to crumble and the debris seems to just evaporate into the night sky, not coming down on us or the earth at all.. But we know we are in danger but we can’t stop staring and marveling as it moves like this giant monolith over our heads..  The plane had disappeared into thin air.. Without notice.. it just wasn’t there anymore.

I wake up and think, wow.. what detail. These dreams are always vivid but I always have the sense that it’s trying to tell me something BIG is about to happen.

Or maybe I ate too late.

Baby, they say you are boring
But that’s alright
Send me your dreams
Daylight or night

I’m giving you warning
I’ll wait till the morning
Sun shine so bright
In new love’s  light

Image result for imperial star destroyer

1 comment:

  1. It is the sub-conscience getting you ready for whatever big is about to happen. This path your walking is preparing the great things that are just around the corner if you can just keeping heading down this path. You do so much and have yourself so immersed in your art, your craft that I just know something will break for you.This is your awesome gift and someday soon it will provide you with so many blessing. Stay strong sister and keeping pushing through that wall. Your not only goingh to knock it down but your going to crumble it into pieces. Keep writing, I love it.
