Thursday, August 22, 2019

yin and yang

I got a promotion!

Image result for milhouse jumping with dog

It’s weird because it’s been a long time since I’ve worked somewhere and have gotten GOOD news.
Usually I got dragged into offices because of BAD things, so yesterday when the Mero Mero called me into his I thought I was about to get fired. I couldn’t figure out what it could be so I actually went.
It was a blur. It was very fast and he had good things to say about me which was awkward but I took it anyway. It’s a promotion with a raise and a cubical of my own. I start Monday.

So who knows what will happen. I hadn’t planned on any kind of advancement here. I was just glad to have a job. Funny how life is, isn’t it?

Well the Amazon is on fire and the president proclaims he’s the king of Jews.
It’s no wonder I smoke so gd much. But seriously, have you tried Cherry Pie?
My daughter is in Peru, but I haven’t spoken with her yet. The amazon is basically right there where she is and it is a heartbreaking situation to be there I am sure. Sometimes I think we are all on autopilot now. There isn’t any way possible that we could be accepting all of this is we were all in our right mind. What do we do? Get outside and protest so someone can mow us over with a car? Maybe if I was a real protester I wouldn’t give a fuck if that actually happened. I mean, people die for causes, right? Would it make a difference now in this world of apathy? People die every day for causes.. it is happening all over the world. Why is America such a joke now?

Don’t answer that.

Do you walk around resigned to this life? How do you celebrate the small moments when everything big is such a pile of steaming crap? I don’t know how people with very small children can continue to stay on course. When my daughter was very young, we are talking before she started school, is when 9/11 happened. She has never really known life before 9/11, and this has always broken my heart. But now I can see that she is as confused as everyone else is about what the hell is going on. I have very smart friends.. and yet all of us are just riding this tsunami of destruction like a rollercoaster heading towards Hell. Yeah I’m being dramatic, but Angry Facebook posts change nothing.

So what do we do? Find some kind of way to help.. someone, anyone with anything at all. I guess, if its small it’s still big to the someone that needed it, right? Tell your friends to vote even though they think it’s a joke. Stand up for people that are being put down. Create safe places for people to take refuge. Celebrate love. Understand that everyone is struggling in some way or another. Champion parents of small children, because in my opinion, this has to be the hardest time in history to be a parent. How do you make them feel safe in a world that is out to get everyone? Pray. Meditate. Make an effort to be kind even though you are angry and confused sometimes and just want to go home and hide.

Maybe that’s just me.

The more I think about the situation the more I come back to the idea of communal living. Living within your means by self-sufficiency and bartering. Kill the almighty dollar and no one has control over anything you do. Love the land and treat her well and she will provide for you. Live with other people that feel that way too and are willing to work together for the good of the community. We could grow and raise our own food.. make our own clothes and anything we need. There are tons and tons of surplus hand offs for anything we really need. This world is full of stuff and we don’t need money to get out hands on the things people don’t want anymore. If we could just get together and stop thinking ME ME ME we could change everything. Stop buying shit. Stop it right now.
Easier typed then done, I know.

I know, I’m just a hippie, but you have to admit, they really had something there for a while, didn’t they?

Well, I pray. I do. So I guess I will keep on praying and maybe acting like a praying person should and be nicer and more helpful to my fellow human beings. It has to start somewhere.

It must.

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